Tuesday, November 27, 2012

The Fine Line Between Luck and Hard Work

As a member of a family that has many entrepreneurs, I have wondered for many years, is success yielded from pure luck, or hard work? Many people that have discussed this topic claim it can be all of one or a happy mix of the two.

The reason behind this topic comes from watching the Ironman Triathlon in Kona, Hawaii. This race is the world's most physically taxing race. It starts with a 2.5 mile swim through wind gusts and ripping waves, followed by a taxing 112 mile bike ride. The crowning gem to the race is the 26.2 mile marathon to finish off the race, where many fail, and some succeed.

Sure, it takes a lot of physical preparation for the race, but no matter how determined you are, sometimes luck runs out, and things happen. A racer could get a flat tire, a cramp in an arm while swimming, a random case of shin splints. A minor stroke of bad luck can sideline a racer. Then there is the determination side of it. If you want to do it, maybe you will get lucky enough to break the pane of the finish line into a gratifying finish.

This is the rub. No matter how hard you work all of your life, maybe you will not become a millionaire, but maybe if you work your fingers to the bone, a spark is ignited, and an idea is born. Then your nurture the idea into a business, and call it a success. Maybe it wasn't worth millions, but maybe you have a good life, and something to give to your kids, that is personally worth millions.

At what point do we call it a stroke of good luck, or when do we begin to call it hard work and dedication?

As a big runner, and fan of alternative sports like triathlons, fun runs, and most extreme sports, I think it is a big personal gain to set a goal for yourself like a couch to 5k, get involved in local sports, or just join a gym. The experiences people will share, and the opportunities that are laid out in front of you can be the just the change you are looking for.

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